This website has been prepared with the utmost care. All information on this website is subject to obvious printing, typesetting, price and programming errors. Despite the care taken in creating this website, it may still contain errors.
All information displayed on this website is intended as background information to the products. In no case is this information to be considered medical or therapeutic advice.
Nor is this website a substitute for the advice of a doctor or therapist. In case of physical complaints, you are strongly advised to contact your general practitioner or a qualified therapist.
Under no circumstances can Omnisup be held responsible for decisions you make regarding your illness or health. Therapists are furthermore not entitled to discourage a third person from any part of regular therapy based on any information on this website.
This disclaimer applies to all information on our website.
All information displayed on this website is intended as background information to the products. In no case is this information to be considered medical or therapeutic advice.
Nor is this website a substitute for the advice of a doctor or therapist. In case of physical complaints, you are strongly advised to contact your general practitioner or a qualified therapist.
Under no circumstances can Omnisup be held responsible for decisions you make regarding your illness or health. Therapists are furthermore not entitled to discourage a third person from any part of regular therapy based on any information on this website.
This disclaimer applies to all information on our website.